Autonomous Airborne Virus Neutralizer

Autonomous Airborne Virus Neutralizer

April 20, 2021
Samar Qureshi
Over a billion people, like myself, have to live with respiratory ailments aggrivated by poor air quality. Devices such as negative ionizers have been proven to cancel the effects of airborne pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2 (causes COVID-19).
How negative ions work.
How negative ions work.
Nonetheless, negative ionizer devices aren’t always efficient, as they require a lot of power and aren’t efficient in large spaces. I set out to solve this problem by building a 3 wheeled motorized indoor robot equipped with an ionizer, air quality sensors, and ultrasonic obstacle detection. An Arduino Uno was programmed to read a room's air quality and identify where air quality was poor, allowing the ionizer to do its job.
Hardware modules.
Hardware modules.
This cost-effective, low-power device brought air quality from harmful levels to safe breathing in a shorter timeframe than if the ionizer was stationary. This robot has potential for industrial and healthcare spaces that require constant air quality monitoring and sanitization. Check out the repo here!
This project was submitted to YRSTF 2021 and won a silver medal as well as best Home Innovation Award.