The City of Toronto has implemented the TransformTO Net Zero Strategy, which is a net-zero carbon emission goal by 2040. The city would like to showcase building carbon emissions and energy consumption publicly online in order to implement regulations pushing toward the Net Zero Existing Building strategy.
As apart of the University of Toronto’s Design Course, I led my team to develop a low fidelity prototype to test the success of our high level design. View a demo here!
The Homepage
The Map Page
We made us of Mapbox’s open source GL JS library, from which we were able to location pins custom to various buildings that had reported their energy usage. For demo purposes, only 100 Queen St was made functional, and the pop-up on the pin takes the user to the building report page.
The Building Report Page
Users can view the building’s statistics as an annual snapshot, and see how a given building performs in relation to other buildings of a similar size in the same area. The user is also given specific recommendations on how to improve each quantity.
For a more visual view of benchmarking buildings, a dynamic radial chart showcases each o the three quantities, along with local buildings of a similar size. The user is also able to statically export this data to be viewed offline.
Our Lighthouse Score
We ran Google’s Lighthouse test to measure our prototype’s performance analysis, accessibility, developer practices, and search engine discoverability. It exceeded our expectations, but there’s always room for improvement. In our next iteration, we will make use of the failed audits to improve our score.